Friday, May 11, 2012

Bad church singer, but great humble bragger

This guy cannot sing. I should know. I can't sing either. So I'm not hating on his lack of singing ability, but he's like the ones that make the opening rounds of American Idol so fun. He doesn't (or refuses to) recognize his inability.

Perhaps, I envy his confidence, but I absolutely envy his ability to drop humble brags.

During the build up to his long anticipated performance, he informs the congregation that he "wore out" Brian Free in singing this song (If you want to compare, here is Brian Free singing "Looking for a City").

It is then when he displays his real talent. He adds one of the greatest humble brags ever - "Not to make me look good or anything, but that's what happened." Sure thing.

He manages to pull off the rare humble brag trifecta.
  1. Act like you are being humble. √
  2. Actually be bragging. √
  3. Act like you are being humble, while bragging about something at which you are actually not very good ... at all. √
We salute you Mr. Bad Church Singer, But Great Humble Bragger Guy. You taught us all that there is no need to simply walk off the stage in style, when you can refuse to leave the stage with your own style.

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